We have created our Zwift Club called Los Gatos Bicycle Racing Club .
Send the following link to your friends and let’s ride together apart, but together https://www.zwift.com/events/view/4432605
(Opens a new window for Zwift)
Once logged in scroll down to join the ride Click the ORANGE Zwift tab
This Group Ride Features:
- Keeping Everyone Together – ride hard, ride easy, but keep the power above 10 watts and you’ll stay with the group no matter the pace… drop below 10 watts and behind 29meters or less and you can reconnect by getting above 10 watts …fall 40 meters or more behind and you’ll be dropped from the group (sorry but Zwift thinks you should be able to hold 10 watts). (read FAQ below)
- Voice/Video Chat during the ride!!! YES now you’re not alone!! Using Discord (you must have a free account on web mobile app). Then Click this Link to join the LGBRC Club Chat room!!!
Note: you don’t have to be riding to join the conversation?!.. and remember, anyone on the channel can hear ya so use your kindest group chat etiquette.
PreS – LGBRC Racing Team on Zwift soon to be announced. Email us if you’re interested in racing as a LGBRC teammate on Zwift at LosGatosBRC@gmail.com (Temp Email).
Thanks everyone
You must have ZWIFT COMPANION on mobile
Open Zwift Companion – navigate to “CLUBS” Search for Los Gatos Bicycle Racing Club and “apply” to join the Zwift Club.
- Can I quit the ride mid-Ride?.. .of course!! No judgements, no worries!!
- When does the “keep the group together” or “Rubber-band” elastic snap?When a rider drops below 10W, they’ll drop from the group.
- Can you rejoin the rubber-banded group?
Yup. In my tests with two riders, if a rider dropped back about 30 meters and then increased their power to 10W, they would rejoin the group. If they dropped back 40 meters before increasing power, they would not rejoin. (This “rejoin window” may differ based on group size, like it does for RoboPacers.)
- If a rider is lapped, can they rejoin the group even though they’re “behind?”
Yes. Same behavior as noted above.
Club Naming: Just for FUN!!
As odd as this sounds, there’s a catch to naming on Zwift. The space to show your name is only 17ish characters long. Also only the first letter of your first name is shown. Add to this that there’s advantages to being able to quickly identify members of our team in the long list as we do races… so we ask you to do the following:
Profile name:
First Name: ^ everyone use this (it’s the Shft-6 key on most keyboards and it’s to the right of % on your phone)
Last Name: ^ <Space> First name Last initial {LG} (note the use of CURLY BRACKETS not parenthesis – and the LG is a short version of our race team name LGBRC) –
Note: Zwift will put a period “.” After the first name since it’s abbreviating it so the results look like a CAT!!!
^.^ Salvatore T (LG}
^.^ Dan S {LG^}
^.^ Ben D {LG}
^.^ Shane R {LG}
^.^ AlcN?Land {LG}
Email us at LosgatosBRC@gmail.com with any thoughts or suggestions.. more info will be coming out over the next few weeks. It’s a temp email.